Why donate?
If you or people you know regularly play in the Colorado backcountry in winter, chances are you know someone who has been involved in an avalanche. Backcountry skiers are the most likely to witness or encounter one, because their numbers are legion and skiers cover a lot of ground.
There are far fewer waterfall ice climbers, and our approaches, climbs and descents are more linear and well-defined than most ski-touring areas. Yet, we are involved in avalanches, too. On average, according to statistics from the Colorado Avalanche Information Center, a climber is killed every couple of years in a Colorado avalanche. As for those who suffer non-fatal injuries that don’t require rescue, or who are “merely” buried or swept off a climb without injury, or who simply witness an avalanche or observe avalanche debris—those numbers are the big unknown. Ice climbers haven’t been trained to report avalanches the way skiers have. (And we aim to change that!)
Climb Avy Aware seeks to prevent future climber-avalanche accidents and incidents through a three-fold approach:
Use the Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale as a risk management tool.
Promote avalanche awareness and education.
Promote the use of companion rescue gear where and when appropriate.
It takes money to do the ATES analysis and ratings. Our analysts need topo maps, avalanche path maps, photos and drone photos to rate the climbs. You can help us continue our work and add to the list of climbs with ATES ratings by donating today.
You can also donate via Venmo @climbavyaware or send us an old-fashioned check! Please make it payable to Climb Avy Aware, and address it to 2950 Island Drive, Boulder CO 80301.
Climb Avy Aware is a tax-free nonprofit under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3) and your donations are tax deductible.
Image: Lincoln Falls by Rob Bauer
Image: Rigid Designator

We can’t do it with out you.