Our Ice Climbing Atlas is still in the works!
We’re working on a comprehensive ice climbing atlas for all of the climbs we rate, with detailed area photos, route drawings, and avalanche path overlays. In the meantime, this is the place where you will find the ATES ratings we have assigned to the routes we’ve analyzed.
Our technical team of Mike Soucy, Andy Sovic, Joseph Thompson, and Dale Atkins has completed its analysis of approximately 100 routes from the Colorado Front Range to the Western Slope. The ratings can be found by clicking below on the area for the climb. More descriptions and specific information will be added for each climb as the team works through the winter. In the meantime, you can find more specific information on the climbs using Mountain Project at Climbing in CO Ice & Mixed, CO Ice & Mixed and in Rob 'Griz' Ginieczki’s recently published Cold Stokes guidebook, which lists the ATES rating for each climb covered in the guidebook. Cold Stokes can be found at COLD STOKE Ice Climbing Guide | Griz Guides. Mountain Project will soon link directly to our ATES ratings for each of the rated climbs.